Laser tattoo removal
Reduce unwanted tattoos

A special laser with a very short pulse is used to fragment the ink of your tattoo. Your immune system then removes the tiny fragments.
permanent removal
After your tattoo reduction treatment at our Derby based clinic, you can enjoy permanent results.
Laser tattoo removal treatments are safe and effective. Nurse Karen Askew carries out all treatments.
How does it work?
The laser beam creates a photo-acoustic shock wave which when absorbed by tattoo pigments causes them to fragment. Heat is released by the ink during this fragmentation which affects the cells surrounding the tattoo causing them to become white – a small white blister also forms at the surface of the skin with each laser impact. The fragmented ink particles are removed from the body by the immune system.
Each impact on the skin from the laser will cause a feeling which many people describe as an elastic band being ‘snapped’ against the skin. Others describe it being similar to the hot fat that sometimes ‘spits’ onto the skin when frying sausages.
Occasionally tiny bleeding points may be noticed at the surface of the skin – these usually coagulate and stop bleeding before the treatment is over. If you have been drinking a lot of alcohol in the 24 hours prior to the treatment this bleeding may be prolonged due to dilation of your blood vessels. It is best if you abstain or moderate alcohol intake before any treatment as the procedure may not be possible if there is too much bleeding.
There is a risk that scarring of the skin in the treated area may occur but precautions will be taken to minimize this risk. The laser energy will be adjusted if any adverse reaction appears or in severe cases the treatment will be abandoned.
The white blisters that form on the skin become translucent after approx. 20 minutes. It is essential that this blistered skin is looked after as described in the after-care recommendations that will be provided to you – otherwise scarring may occur. It is a condition of this consent form that you agree to adhere to this post-treatment advice.
With some tattoo inks there is a risk that the usual blistering may be more severe than usual and the energy level will be reduced if this happens. Certain inks used by tattooists may form a black or brown metallic lump in the skin that cannot be removed – the test patches that will be carried out will show if this is likely to happen and will determine whether treatment can proceed.
It is usual to see some fading of the tattoo pigment a few weeks after the treatment. However many treatment sessions may be needed to remove a tattoo completely. It is necessary to wait 6 – 8 weeks between each treatment to allow the skin to heal before the laser sessions continue. It is not possible to accurately forecast how many treatment sessions will be needed as everyone’s immune system varies. In some cases the last fragments of a tattoo may prove resistant to the laser and the tattoo may not be able to be completely removed.
You should be aware that any hair growing over the tattoo must be shaved before treatment and that the laser may stunt hair regrowth for prolonged periods.
The colour of the tattoo ink will influence whether laser treatment is possible on your tattoo. It is also important to realise that if the tattoo being removed overlies other tattoos it may not be possible to remove the tattoos underneath if they are pigments that will not absorb the laser energy. Any tattoo that is covering an older tattoo should be discussed with your Laser Practitioner before treatment begins.
Your skin type, medical history and medication will be checked during your Consultation to make sure you are suitable for treatment. Test patches will also be carried out during your initial visit to ensure no adverse skin reaction will occur. Your first full treatment cannot be carried out until these test patches have been reviewed by your Practitioner after 14 days. Photographs of your treatment will be made to document progress. It is a condition of consent that you allow these test patches and photographs to be carried out.